Tuesday 25 May 2021

Importance of Introduction and Conclusion in an Assignment

Introduction and conclusion play a vital role in many assignment writings. In fact, they can make or break an assignment, i.e. the impression of an assignment depends a lot on these two parts of the assignment. They demand the attention of the writers. An excellent introduction identifies your topic, offers essential context, and offers a specific focus. It should engage the interest of readers. A conclusion shall offer closure to writing and place the concepts in a wider context. It adds a stimulus to your thoughts.

The importance of introduction

It stated the importance of an introduction below:

  • The introduction sets the tone of your paper. When you write an introduction, you are not just introducing your argument but yourself too. In assignment writing, it’s important to present yourself as a writer who is thoughtful and has a good command of the subject. The introduction is a crucial part of strategy persuasion.
  • An introduction limits your subject. It says the readers about the subject you are writing about. Readers look at the introduction not just for the central idea or the thesis statement but also for the orientation. Thus provide the context or background that can help the readers understand how your work shall fit into the bigger picture and the reason it matters.
  • It presents the central theme of the subject. There is no rule regarding the length of the statement. However, according to a good rule of thumb, state the idea in two sentences at the end of your first para.
  • An introduction engages the attention of a reader and persuades him/her to continue reading. The introduction must present the original thesis within a properly defined area.
  • For longer essays, an introduction describes the structure of writing. An overview of an organisation can help the readers follow your arguments.

Keep in your mind that the readers or your examiner will read the introduction attentively. The first impression is the last. So, never compromise with the quality of the introduction.

The importance of a conclusion

Similar to the introduction, a conclusion brings the central idea into the focus of readers. The aim is to make the readers feel that the argument has achieved the goals that have been established in the introduction. Conclusion provides –

  • The last views of the writer
  • The outcomes of the assignment
  • What it can further to do with the topic

Conclusion of an assignment is important for the following reasons as well:

  • The conclusion, like the rest of the assignment of writing, includes critical thinking. It helps to reflect on what you have written. You can convey closing thoughts regarding the bigger implications of the argument.
  • A good conclusion leaves the readers with something that they can think about. It’s a concept that will be illuminated by what you have written in papers. 
  • A conclusion is the last thing that readers shall encounter before completing the papers. It must leave a lasting impression. It brings all the disputing points into an alignment thus crystallising the logic of the approach.

Final Note

It is always a good idea to write the introduction and conclusion keeping one another in mind writing a conclusion is challenging because as you have finished the major argument; you are left with summarizing it. A conclusion has a summary element but an effective conclusion might not feel like a summary.

So, the introduction and the conclusion are important in academic writing. The length of both must be appropriate with the length of the entire academic writing. Though there is no fixed rule, though devote one para to both an introduction and conclusion.


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